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- Congress Introduced the Adoptee Citizenship Act 2024
- USA Today: International Adoption Doesn't Guaranty Citizenship
- FAQ: U.S. Citizenship and Intercountry Adoptees
- NBC News: Tens of Thousands of Adoptees Learn They Aren't US Citizens, Even After Decades Living Here
- NY Times: Adoptees Have the Same Right to Citizenship as Biological Children
- WP: They grew up as American citizens then that they weren't
- The Imprint: Adoptees Still Pushing for Citizenship; Legislation Re-introduced Yesterday
- Hankyoreh: Over 49,000 adoptees in US left without citizenship
- KBS World Radio: US House Passes Bill on Addressing Adoptees Without Citizenship
- Intercept: Adopted and Undocumented
- Forbes: House Passes Bill To Close Citizenship Loophole For Intercountry Adoptees
- World News: Adopted but not citizens
- ABC 13 Houston: Local, 50-year-old woman finds out she isn't a legal citizen
- The Columbian: Growing up American, only to learn you’re not
- English Hani: Adoptees from Korea left ‘stateless’, and searching for their roots
- The Korea Daily: Korean adoptees’ night rallies support for the Adoptee Citizenship Bill
- NBC Bay Area: Adopted Abroad as Infants, Raised in US, and Now — They May Face Deportation
- NBC4 Washington: House Bill Could Help Foreign Adoptees Who Later Learned They Aren't US Citizens
- NHK World Japan: Foreign-born Adoptees Live in Fear in the US
Plan A Mag. Podcast 2021 Pt. 1
A Manufactured Crisis- Ft. Adoptees
Plan A Mag. Podcast 2021 Pt. 3
A Manufactured Crisis - Ft. Legal experts Dr. D. Kunz, D. Berger, & E. Howe
ARC & GlennMorey.com 2019

Plan A Mag 2019 Adopted without citzenship is an indictment of American Justice

Pacific Miss Asian American 2015 Advocating for Adoptee citizenship as a human right.
Plan A Mag. Podcast 2021 Pt 2 Manufactured Crisis- Ft. ARC
Rep. Rob Woodall 2019 - "I'm interested in talking about what we can do to solve problems."
Creating a Family Podcast 2019 "What's happening with adoptees and the citizenship crisis?"